Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Adobe Photoshop CS3 on Mac OS X Case Sensitive Partitions

With the release of Mac OS X Leopard, Apple made it easier for people to use a case-sensitive file system. People who chose to go with the case-sensitive file system found that they couldn't install Adobe CS3 products at all. When you pop in the disc and start the installation, it immediately says that you can't install it yet after a quick Google Search, you'll find John Nack's blog post that originally claims CS3 is good to for Leopard. The comments on that post go into great detail about why case-sensitive file systems are important and desired by users and why John Nack thinks otherwise. After several hours, I got it working. Scroll down to skip to the instructions.

Anyway, fortunately for me, I had a disk image of my Tiger installation with Photoshop CS3 installed and was able to copy over the files without having to go through the installation. But when you try to launch Photoshop, it immediately crashes. I decided to go on the mission of fixing this problem so that I can avoid studying for my finals, because well, school sucks.

So I checked out the system log in Console and Photoshop logs the full path of the files it's trying to access but can't find. In the end, there were a 65 files/folders that needed to have their case changed (most were "resources" to "Resources", "a" to "A", etc.) To my surprise, it worked! Photoshop launches and runs!

After I got it to work, it was complaining about a missing file in Application Support, and after running a DTrace and looking at the all the syscalls, I found that it was actually looking for "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax" and all I had to do to fix that was copy that over from my Tiger disk image.

Fortunately for you guys, you don't have to go through the same process as me. I've generated a bash script to automate all the case changes. So for those of you who have a backed up copy of Photoshop and the /Library folder, just follow these steps and you'll be set.
  1. From your backed up data, copy over "old_disk_image/Library/Application Support/Adobe" to "/Library/Application Support/Adobe"
  2. Copy over "old_disk_image/Library/Application Support/FLEXnet Publisher" to "/Library/Application Support/FLEXnet Publisher" (this was mentioned in John Nack's blog comments and I'm not sure if it's actually apart of Adobe's software or not but I copied it over)
  3. Copy over "old_disk_image/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax" to "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax" (you may or may not already have the ScriptingAdditions folder, if not, just create it)
  4. Copy over "old_disk_image/Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS3" to "/Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS3"
  5. Download this script (it renames the 65 files/folders that need to be changed)
  6. Open the Terminal Application
  7. Type "sh ~/Downloads/PhotoshopCS3CaseFixer.sh" and push enter (download path may vary if you changed the default)
  8. Now go ahead and launch Photoshop and you should be set to go
This should get Photoshop up and running, but since I haven't used every feature of Photoshop, I'm not sure if there are any other files that have the case-sensitivity issue. So if it breaks for me, I'll update this post.

Hopefully Adobe will use this as the first steps to fixing their software so that it works on case-sensitive file systems.


Michelle said...

Thank you so much, I was a little crushed thinking that my choice for case sensitivity had caused myself hours of reformatting and such, or no photoshop, but your instructions were clear and easy and made what could be awful into a minor annoyance. Are you going to do the same with the other programs in the suite?
Even if you don't, thank you so much for taking the time to do this to figure this out and make it easier for the rest of us.

Gianni said...

Hey, I followed your instructions and ran the script. Photoshop starts up, but then I get this popup window which says:
AMT Subsystem Failure

The licensing subsystem has failed catastrophically. You must reinstall or call customer support.

Any Ideas?

Arya said...

Hello gianni,

Unfortunately, I have not run into that problem and have no idea what the AMT Subsystem is. Have you tried reinstalling it? It also might be a problem if you were using a different Suite than I was. Hopefully Adobe will be releasing an official fix for this so we won't have to be using this hack-ish method.

Gianni said...

Hey, I figured it out, I had forgotten to activate my copy before transferring from my tiger drive to leopard. However, I did find one feature that doesn't work. When you copy an image outside of photoshop, it doesn't import the clipboard and gives a little error.

Gypsy 6 said...

I had this same problem, but I had to do it this way. Basically I migrated CS3 from a case-insensitive drive to a case-sensitive one.

Yogananda said...

I tried to move it too...
it worked, but I had to create 2 folders identical: Frameworks and frameworks.
Flash starts, but it tells me that licensing is gone :(
But the flash on the other computer works...
do you have any hints?

한스 said...

Thanks a lot for your great tips.

Although your tips didn't work out for me, I found another workaround for this awkward situation.

I followed your tips, but I had the same error as gianni had. Tried to figure out the problem, but failed. Nothing listed on the Adobe KB worked for me.

As a last resort before reformatting the hdd in my macbook pro back to the case insensitive filesystem, I copied entire Adobe CS3 applications from the /Applications/ folder in the Time Machine backup to an external hdd, which is formatted with a case-insensitive filesystem - while leaving the folder and files under /Library folder on the internal hdd. When I ran Photoshop from that external hdd, a message that the location of the application is changed popped up, I clicked "Repair Now" button. And it WORKED!!!

But since I can't carry the external hdd all the time, I created a dmg file with the files in external hdd, stored the dmg file in the macbook pro's internal hdd. And finally, I removed all the applicaitons inside /Applications folder.

Dave said...

I thought I'd let you know that I think I got Flash to work as-well. Being pissed at Adobe about this silly attitude (and in no way willing to reformat my mac just because they can't program decently), I tried your approach on Flash CS3. It turned out to be a lot easier than Photoshop even:

1) Like with Photoshop, I copied over the /Applications/Adobe Flash CS3 folder (In my case, from my Time Machine backup).
2) Then navigate to /Applications/Adobe Flash CS3, and right click -> Show package contents on Adobe Flash CS3.app.
3) Navigate to 'Contents', and create a new folder named 'frameworks' (note the non-capitalization).
4) Inside the 'Frameworks' folder, move the 'Xerces.framework' and 'ZLib.dylib' file/folder to the newly created 'framework' folder.
5) That's it! For me it worked like a charm!

I didn't fully dive into flash yet to see if every bit works, but I opened an existing flash file and exported it to SWF, all worked perfectly.

Hope this helps!


dgatwood said...
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dgatwood said...

I'm posting this so that others won't have to go through what I've gone through. I followed those instructions to the letter and kept getting that AMT error. Maybe you need to upgrade to 10.0.1 first before those instructions work as-is. Anyway, here's how I solved it:

1. Perform the instructions above while booted from the case-insensitive external drive.
2. Instead of copying the stuff in Application Support using Finder, I used tar on the command line and sudo to preserve permissions. This may not be necessary, though:

cd /Library/Application\ Support
tar -czf - Adobe FLEXnet Publisher | { cd /Volumes/My\ Internal\ HD/Library/Application\ Support ; sudo -tar -xzvpf - ; }

Substituting the name of the destination drive in place of "My Internal HD".

3. Instead of copying the application onto the case-sensitive volume, copy it to a disk image that is case-insensitive. The AMT catastrophic failure message is caused by failure to access something in the Photoshop application bundle, not something in Application Support as I first assumed. I figured this out when I tried running your script and launching the app from the case-sensitive volume while booted from the case-insensitive volume. It still failed with that error, but by doing this, it worked.

4. While you are still booted from the case-insensitive external drive, make sure you launch Photoshop once from the case-insensitive disk image. I did this BEFORE rebooting to my normal case-sensitive volume. Several other attempts that did not do this failed, so I'm pretty sure this step is critical. At this point, it asks me to repair the app and fixes some stuff.

5. Reboot your machine to your normal disk and enjoy using Photoshop CS3... with the caveat that it will ask you if you want to repair some settings EVERY time you launch it. I don't know why. Maybe if I'm bored, I'll sit there with dtrace and log every last file it touches and see if I can figure out what's going on, but....

Anyway, with those changes, it worked for me, with the caveats mentioned.

dgatwood said...

Update: Photoshop's patcher application sucks as much as CS3 itself does when it comes to making boneheaded assumptions that are wrong about filesystem paths.... It can't find the application anywhere other than its original install location---probably for the same reason that it can't fix the install location---the thought of having the app on a different volume than where it was originally installed probably never occurred to these developers, which is really quite sad....

Anyway, if you want to apply updates, you have to do the following:

1. Download the update manually. Adobe's automatic update thinks no updates are needed unless the app is installed in /Applications.

2. Either copy the app to your disk and run the updater and copy it back or run the updater and then copy each individual file from the bogus copy it creates on your hard drive back to your disk image.

WARNING: The updater does not install a complete copy of the application itself. You MUST do a "Show Package Contents" on the application bundle and copy each individual piece in place if you choose this route. I strongly advise against it. :-)

These issues can probably be fixed with a symbolic link (ln -s /Volumes/MyPhotoShopHackVolume/Adobe\ Photoshop\ CS3 /Applications/), but I haven't tried that, and I'm not sure I trust their updater not to do something stupid, given what I've seen so far....

One more warnings:

When doing the initial copy of the stuff in Application Support to the new disk, you MUST use tar as I described when copy the FLEXnet Publisher folder. Well, you might be able to get away with

sudo chown -R root /Library/Application\ Support/FLEXnet\ Publisher

I haven't tried it that way, but it might work. Anyway, if that folder and its contents are not owned by root, Photoshop will tell you that your licensing has stopped working and will fail. Why they did this, I will never understand. It's a completely pointless "security" measure that does nothing but annoy the heck out of their users.

Then again, the fact that they aren't even fixing bugs that keep people from installing in the first place tells me Adobe doesn't care about their users anyway, just about their money, which is why now that I have CS3 working, I'm probably going to buy a copy of Pixelmator....

As an added note, it is NOT necessary to copy the /Library/Application\ Support/Adobe folder in that way. I figured this all out when I did a chown to my own user in hopes that this would fix the endless "the application has moved" bug. It didn't, and it killed the app as described. Changing the ownership of the Flexnet Publisher directory back to root fixed that problem, though, so this is at least an easily fixable issue once you know what is causing it. In fact, had I known about that problem, I could have saved myself two nights of struggling, as I had it to that point day before yesterday.... AAAAAARGH!!!!! YOU @$^*&!@()#s!!!!!

Finally, just in case anyone from Adobe reads this...

Dear Adobe,

I wasted three nights getting your excremental application to work correctly. At my salary, that comes to more money than I spent on your app in the first place, including upgrades since Photoshop five-point-something. You really aren't worth it. It was nice getting to know you, but it just isn't working out.

I'm sorry, but you're a blood-sucking leach, and I'm looking for someone more caring and nurturing who will be there to care for me in good times and bad. You're just not my type. It's not me, it's you.

I've taken the liberty of changing my phone number, rekeying the locks, and asking my neighbors to call the police if you come around, so please don't. Perhaps if you spent some time reflecting, you might see that your attitude drives people away and makes people hate you. Maybe with years of therapy, you might even become a decent, upstanding member of the community again. But even if you do, make no mistake, it's over. I'm not taking you back. Don't change for me. Change for yourself.

Oh, wait... this was supposed to be a note to a software company. Whoops. Got a little carried away with the metaphor.... Well, the point is... fix your software already. I'm tired of wasting time fixing your bugs for you, and I'd rather eat live hornets than go through an experience like this again, so if you aren't going to take the initiative and ensure that your software works reliably, don't think that I or any of the people to whom I recommend software will buy it. Life's too short.

From now on, I'm going to be looking for complaints about your software for a week before I'll even consider it. You have betrayed my trust, and that is something that I do not take lightly.

David Gatwood

alx said...

Has anyone tried getting the actual Setup executable to run? I've tried everything I can think of. I've even opened the Setup file in a Hex Editor and have found 'IsCaseSensitive' all over the place... however I have absolutely no idea what to actually do with that...

Can anyone think of a way to trick it into thinking your filesystem is case-insensitive? I don't mind having to manually rename everything after installing, I just don't have a quick means to get at a CS3 that's already installed.

*Sigh* I really like having a case sensitive system (web developer) it means I know right away when I forget to press shift whilst writing code at 2am, rather than scratching my head on roll-out day (when it should just work), It just seems ultra lazy of Adobe, seeing as it's take a few guys on the internet less than a day to clean up their file/folder naming. Ridiculous.

After spending this amount on CS3 I don't believe I should *have* to format.


Unknown said...

I followed a similar procedure with CS4, copying the files from another case-insensitive system over to mine.
I got through the renames using the system.log viewed from Console. Now, when I launch Photoshop I have the following:

DebugAssert: Adobe Crash Reporter: theDaemonURL != NULL err AdobeCrashReporterInitialize: Couldn't find the AdobeCrashDaemon.app folder

As far as I can tell, it's there, but this log entry does not give the full path of what it's looking for. Can you post any info on using DTrace to see where it is trying to find that app folder?


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...


i thought it worked, it actually did... till it started wining about the ATM subsystem.

So its almost perfect :)


Rich Cassidy said...

Thanks for this post, it really helped.

I've tried this with CS4 and had the same issue as Nimai. Can anyone shed any light on this please - TIA

31/01/2009 13:32:20 Adobe Photoshop CS4[4080] DebugAssert: Adobe Crash Reporter: theDaemonURL != NULL err AdobeCrashReporterInitialize: Couldn't find the AdobeCrashDaemon.app folder[/Users/labuser/Perforce/esgqs/public/CR3.0Daemon/CrashReporter/Mac/AdobeCrashReporterFramework/main.cpp:171]

Rob Olson said...

For everyone trying to download the "PhotoshopCS3CaseFixer.sh" script and getting an access denied error, I have hosted the script on my website. Download it from here:


Kushi said...

Any news with this script on a CS4 version ? I'm in the same case of Nimai and Tigersprout :(

Unknown said...

The AMT subsystem failure seems to be coming from a few more components whose filenames are wrong. After running the script (brilliant piece of work), I was receiving the AMT subsystem failure. As someone else noted however, if I ran Photoshop from my external drive that had a case insensitive filesystem, it worked.

I ran Photoshop with dtruss (a script around dtrace) and determined that there were a few more filenames that needed to be modified. In particular, folders whose name is "en_us" should be "en_US".

After changing these last few files, Photoshop CS3 now starts up like a champ on my case sensitive drive.

I too cannot for the life of me understand why Adobe doesn't take an hour and fix this problem.

Unknown said...

Hi, there is any solution to install Photoshop on case-sensitive fs and then apply the patch?

Maarten said...
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Some things from previous Photoshop versions have been removed from the standard installation of Photoshop CS5,dominical costa rica tours and are not being included on the installation discs. If you want these extra items back in your Photoshop CS5 program, you will have to download the Optional Plugins package from Adobe.


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Unknown said...

fortunately for me, I had a disk image of my Tiger installation with Photoshop CS3 installed and was able to copy over the files without having to go through the installation. But when you try to launch Photoshop, it immediately crashes. I decided to go on the mission of fixing this problem so that I can avoid studying for my finals, because well, school sucks.

Unknown said...

fortunately for me, I had a disk image of my Tiger installation with Photoshop CS3 installed and was able to copy over the files without having to go through the installation. But when you try to launch Photoshop, it immediately crashes. I decided to go on the mission of fixing this problem so that I can avoid studying for my finals, because well, school sucks.

Unknown said...

fortunately for me, I had a disk image of my Tiger installation with Photoshop CS3 installed and was able to copy over the files without having to go through the installation. But when you try to launch Photoshop, it immediately crashes. I decided to go on the mission of fixing this problem so that I can avoid studying for my finals, because well, school sucks.
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A court in Moscow has found escort bayan late Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky guilty of tax fraud.Magnitsky was arrested in 2008 after accusing officials of tax fraud but was later himself accused of those crimes.His death in custody a year escortlater led to a major diplomatic dispute between Russia and the United States.William Browder, CEO of Hermitage Capital Management, which Magnitsky represented, was found guilty in absentia and sentenced to nine years.

Browder, a US-born British citizen, is in London, where the firm is based.He has denied the charges and says the trial was politically motivated. His defence team have escort istanbulsaid they will appeal against the verdict.No sentence will be passed for Magnitsky, whose relatives regard the case as illegal.A lawyer for the family told Russia's escort Rapsi news agency: "I did not doubt that the decision would look like this."

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Employed as an auditor for Hermitage, Magnitsky uncovered what he described as a web of corruption bayan escort involving Russian tax officials, including the alleged theft of more than $200m (£125m).After reporting the allegations to the authorities, he was himself detained on suspicion of helping Hermitage evade $17.4m in taxes.

He had pancreatitis and died in custody escort in 2009, but an investigation by Russia's presidential council on human rights concluded that he had been severely beaten and denied medical treatment.

Last December, a Russian court escort bayan acquitted a prison doctor accused of negligence over Mr Magnitsky's death. And in March this year the investigation into his death was dropped altogether due to "lack of evidence of a crime".

Browder has described the charges filed escort against him as an "absurdity" and revenge for his campaign to put pressure on Russia over the Magnitsky case.
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Speaking to the BBC on Wednesday, he said the trial was "proof" that President Vladimir Putin "will use escort the courts in order to cover up his economic crimes".

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